7 Ways to Avoid Food Wastage

Food Wastage is a serious problem that threatens our planet as a whole. Every year governments across the world have to spend a lot of money and effort managing and processing food waste. If we are all a little careful about these things we can avoid food wastage to a great extent.

Here are some useful tips through which you can avoid food waste and contribute to a better future for our world.

1. Always start with a shopping list: 
How often do you go for grocery shopping without checking what you already have in your kitchen first? 

Sit down and take a few minutes to make a meal plan. It doesn’t have to be complex.
The function of the plan is to make sure that you're not wasting food. With a rough idea of the types of meals you'll be having, you will have a better understanding of what to buy.

2. A small patch doesn’t mean the entire product is rotten: 
A little bit of mould isn't a big problem. If there's a small speck of mould on a tomato or carrot just cut it off. 
If you see something starting to go bad, just remove it. Make sure to cook the foods with high heat.

Be wary of rotten milk and meat, it's better to not use those.

3. Buy Less
We often buy more food items than we need. Buy less than what you think you need. Usually, you will end up with the right amount. 
It’s better to buy fresh groceries always. Overstocking will spoil the food easily. 

Watch yourself. Buy less than you think you'll need! 

4. Save your scraps
You don’t have to throw out your vegetable scrapping. Find alternative ways to use those. Making stock for soups is a good way to use scraps.

There are many creative ways to use food. Before walking anything out to the waste bin, ask yourself, "Is there anything else I can do with this?" 

5. Use your freezer well
If you can't eat something in time and you notice it starting to look a little tired, freeze it. Most fruits and vegetables can be frozen and used again. 

6. Cook once; Prep once: 
Often food items are wasted because we shy away from cooking due to lack of time or downright laziness.

Keep things streamlined by cooking once and eating multiple times. If you're chopping onions for stir-fry tonight and you'll need onions for tomorrow’s omelette, why not chop all of the onion right now? 

7. Share your excess food with neighbours
Sometimes even if you plan everything out some amount of food always be left out. The best thing to do is to share your food items with your neighbours. It will also provide a chance for you to be social and develop good relationships.


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